Pass the creativity along!
Pass the creativity along
So, times are challenging right now.
However, that doesn’t mean we can’t keep ourselves moving forward and creating!
It’s a great time to get into those unfinished projects and pick up those arty skills you’ve been meaning to hone. We had a think about ways we could not only keep our creativity going, but how we could keep connected with our participants and other creatives… We thought, what if we could “pass the creativity along”?
Do you recall the Act Belong Commit -supported phenomenon called “Pass the song along”?
Back in 2017 the Spirit of the Streets Choir in Perth came together on World Singing Day to “Pass the song along”. The choir was part of the growing legacy of singing groups and people whose aim it was to pass the song along. And what was the song you ask? A simple and catchy karaoke-style song set up for Act-Belong-Commit through Sing For Health. You can check out the song on YouTube (why not kick it into action for yourself and pass the song along!) …even in Mandarin!
So, in these times of social distancing and self-isolation, we need not hide ourselves under the covers! Why not take up the idea of passing the song along and join us to “pass the creativity along”?