Play : Place

Welcome to Play : Place

Our philosophy is to hold spaces for authentic play experiences. This is what defines Play:Place. Play is a right and having a place to play is fundamental to exercising this right. When children and young people play, they are developing and building confidence and connection to their world. We need our young people to be strong, resilient and creative in an ever-changing world of challenging environmental and social experiences.

We work together with you, either as a local council, resident or organisation, to shape pop-up play spaces, community or event activations, or play streets that suit your objectives, keeping children at the centre, always.

Because, children have a right to play.


Why Play?

Play builds brains. Play builds community. Play is fundamental to all mammals.

Children have a right to play and leisure with no specified outcome. Children play, just because.

Interested to learn more? browse our play resources.

What is Playwork?

Playwork is a way to create spaces for children’s play that allows children the freedom, agency and inclination to direct their own play.

Playwork includes understanding play theory, ways to resource play, and advocating for children’s right to play.

Play Streets

Our children are key to unlocking the life of our neighbourhoods. How better to do this than to play out on the street! Play streets are a way for residents on a street to come together and support their children and young people to play. The street is temporarily closed to traffic movement for a defined period of time. This provides street space for playing and coming together, in addition to street verges and front gardens.

Here’s some tips to get started with your own play street, or contact us for a consultation.


Consultation and Co-design

As Qualified playworkers, educators, education designers, We value practice-based, action-oriented consultation. This means we walk with you in your play journey to co-design solutions, to support just in time learning with you …and don’t forget to bring your kids along too!

That’s how we build our communities. One play space at a time. Because children are the indicator species of our communities (to paraphrase Tim Gill, former Play England Director).

Who Do we work with? We collaborate with Councils, community members (parents and residents), schools, play groups, and more!


Pop-up play spaces and activations

Play spaces gently introduce risk, challenge, creativity and self-confidence. Play spaces are for people of all ages, genders and abilities to play together, to connect and form relationships, and develop emotional resilience and wellbeing. We seek to include loose parts, cardboard boxes, water play, creating and making to resource children’s self-directed and free play.

Contact us to talk about setting up your play space or activation.

Supporting play through art and making

Playing, making and creating together is a fun and memorable way to celebrate a special occasion. We can facilitate family and friend gatherings, birthdays, or community events that are tailored to your themes, projects and interests.

Oh, and we LOVE messy; messy is evidence of happy play and creating!

We look forward to more conversations about play, playwork and the rights of children and young people to play out everyday. We hope to talk with you soon!

Get in touch with us via our Contact page.