My Story My Home
Awesome Arts Festival 2017, 'My Story, My Home', Art Gallery of WA
In October 2017, we put our building hats on and moved into the Art Gallery space, albeit temporarily!
We were invited to run some children's workshop in conjunction with the My Story My Home exhibition, designed and produced by World Press Photo Perth.
We learnt a good deal about engagement.
We learnt something about play.
We thought about our ways of working!
We had a lot of 'stuff'! But in terms of play and making, 'stuff' becomes something else. It is given life and meaning by those who manipulate it to create a new use for it.
A play space created by kids, for 'My Story, My Home' AGWA exhibition, 2017
And boy, can Perth kids play! It was such a fun weekend! Thank you AGWA and World Press Photo Perth for including us in this amazing activity!